Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC)
Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) is the latest treatment method, practiced internationally, to treat hair loss. It is the advancement of PRP and has a higher success rate of rejuvenating dense hair. GFC is a non-invasive treatment procedure that does not include “surgery” within the procedure. Hair loss is a major concern for most people.
The changes in lifestyle, such as food culture, work-life imbalance, and much more, show serious effects on the skin, hair, and other health issues. The advancement of baldness in the early 20s, 30s, and 40s created an adverse condition in the hearts and minds of the people. Poor hair health and density create a second thought about self-esteem and appeal. Advanced GFC Treatment significantly helps in hair fall reduction and stimulates new hair growth.
The treatment involves the injection of growth factor directly into the scalp. The addition of substances to the concentrate derived from the blood is the major difference compared to PRP. GFC Treatment has proven to be an Advanced Hair Care Treatment requiring few sittings for complete hair growth. Blood has a mix of nutrients and other components that are responsible for growth. Deficiency and lack of component value are the primary factors responsible for hair fall. The deterioration of hair follicles due to low nutrients and components stops hair growth. Hence, repairing and rejuvenating the scalp with nutrient-rich and growth-factor plasma components regains hair growth. Advanced GFC Hair Treatment is potent for repairing the hair follicles and ensuring the healthy recovery of alopecia.
Hair Fall Treatment at Artes
Our Hair Clinic has a well-equipped infrastructure accompanied by advanced medical equipment (the latest in the market) and a dedicated team of Dermatologists practicing high-standard methods to offer hair fall treatment. Our Hair Specialist designs personalized hair treatments for people with hair fall due to various reasons. At Artes, every stage of the GFC Therapy is taken special care to improve the efficacy of the therapy. We are on the verge of acquiring an impeccable position as one of the Best Dermatology Hospitals to provide world-class Hair Loss Therapy.
Therapy Procedure
Blood Sample: A few ml of the patient’s blood is collected to test the components present in the plasma. Our expert team uses a special medical device to collect the sample without creating discomfort. We make sure that the syringes used are discarded once the sample collection is done and that hygienic practices are followed every time.
Centrifugation: This is the next step of GFC therapy, where the collected blood sample is centrifuged at the defined speed, rotation, and time. We have the latest centrifugation device that allows us to provide treatment with higher efficacy. The centrifugation is done to collect the plasma for analysis and further therapy procedures.
Growth Factor: Based on the report generated from the tested plasma sample, the lacking and deficient nutrients are added as growth factors to the plasma. The addition of concentrate enriches the plasma with the required nutrients, which boosts hair growth and reduces hair fall.
Concentration: The growth factor added to the derived plasma is centrifuged again to obtain the right mix of plasma. The adequate combination of the obtained concentrate improves the treatment efficacy. Our dermatologists monitor the entire process of centrifugation to obtain the best form.
Special Care: We follow a set of procedures to collect and store the GFC samples with extra care. Every sample is coded to differentiate the right sample, which allows our dermatologists to use the GFC on the right patient. Therefore, patients feel confident, and the entire procedure is completely safe to undergo at Artes.
Ideal Candidate for GFC Hair Treatment
- Men and women suffering from hair loss can avail of the GFC treatment.
- People looking to transform their hair density from thin to thick are suitable for this treatment.
- People who are in the beginning and intermediate stages of baldness
Benefits of GFCs
- Increased hair density
- Significant reduction in hair fall
- It requires a few sessions for a complete hair repair.
- A completely safe procedure
- Men and women can avail of the treatment.
- Rejuvenates hair follicles
- Strengthens the hair
What to expect
The patient feels painless throughout the GFC session. An anesthetic gel is applied to the patient’s numb scalp, which helps them feel comfortable throughout the procedure. It is common to observe redness in the targeted section of the scalp. It is a temporary mark, and it disappears within a few hours. The patients are recommended to avoid combing their hair soon after the therapy for a day. Also, they must be aware not to disturb the scalp, which includes direct exposure to heat, pollution, and other physical activities for a few days. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and consuming caffeine beverages have to be restricted for a few days.
Risks Involved
There are no risks involved in advanced GFC therapy, as the concentrate injected on the scalp is obtained from the patient’s blood.